Animals where you live

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Re: Animals where you live

Post by Admin » Mon Feb 19, 2018 11:52 am

Thanks for the interesting message Miguel - what type of lynx are you descibing here? Can I help you with something?
In most cases, lives in a solitary and nomadic way,= There is no subject. You can say: In most cases the lynx lives in a solitary way...
showing more sociable in the time of heat= showing socialble is not possible. Here you can say: being more sociable when it is in heat.
the piece= the exact word here is "prey"
See you soon!

Animals where you live

Post by Miguel » Mon Feb 19, 2018 10:11 am

In most cases, lives in a solitary and nomadic way, showing more sociable in the time of heat. He is an agile hunter. It stealthily approaches the piece and jumps on it quickly. Less often he waits hidden for a piece to pass by. When the maximum temperatures increase, the lynx spends more time resting, unlike with the precipitations. Juvenile lynxes are basically crepuscular and diurnal, with an increase in their nocturnal activity after their first year of life. During the winter, the lynxes can have activity during the 24 hours of the day, contrasting with their habits almost strictly nocturnal in summer.
