by Enric » Sun Mar 10, 2019 6:20 pm
• Have you ever been on a sponsored walk/swim/run, etc. for charity? I ran 10 kilometres in La Seu d’Urgell, north of Catalonia, in a charity course. The course had next title: ‘running for a dreams’.
• Do you think that charities are a good idea? Why / Why not? Yes, of course. But, depends of the object. If you can help someone it’s a good idea , but it’s important take a control about what kind of organization manage the charities,
• Have you ever been on a sponsored walk/swim/run, etc. for charity? I ran 10 kilometres in La Seu d’Urgell, north of Catalonia, in a charity course. The course had next title: ‘running for a dreams’.
• Do you think that charities are a good idea? Why / Why not? Yes, of course. But, depends of the object. If you can help someone it’s a good idea , but it’s important take a control about what kind of organization manage the charities,