unit 8 final task

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unit 8 final task

Post by ahmad fadhil » Tue Apr 14, 2020 1:03 pm

book title : Teaching Process Writing for Intermediate/Advanced Learners in South Korea
unit 2 : process writing

the aim of this unit is to explain or illustrate the meaning of process writing and quote
"Process writing has been one of the most popular ways to teach writing in ESL/EFL
situations. Despite its popularity, the lack of comprehensive theories of writing instruction have
brought confusion over understanding what process actually is and has created numerous
arguments about writing instruction. According to Bernard Susser, from the early twentieth
century, process began to appear in L1 composition literature, influenced by John Dewey’s idea
that learning is a process. Since then, the term has been frequently used for discussion of writing
theories, writing pedagogies, and writing research.Process is used to mean the writing process itself.
In this sense, writing, the writing process, and composing all can be considered
synonymous terms, which implies that writing does not consist of one but various processes
(Susser 32).
Process is also used to explain a theory or theories of writing. However, Susser argues
that misunderstanding process as a theory of writing causes the major confusion over the term
process. Process is not a theory of writing; rather, it has appeared as a component of most
twentieth century writing theories (Susser 32-3). There were attempts to define what the process
is in process writing, but it is still a controversial issue. I will adopt the definition of process as
the act of writing itself implying that writing is a variety of processes. Since process is not a
theory of writing, other approaches mentioned earlier can be applied to process writing
classrooms" end of quote

clearly the book discusses the the process approach and shows so many figures showing the stages of process writing
1- Pre-writing
2- Drafting
3- Revising
4- Editing
5- Sharing
6- Error Correction
7- publishing

the process writing can be adapted and mixed with product writing by correcting and inserting more grammar 

