by OksanaGavrish » Tue Dec 10, 2019 9:52 pm
1. My planning style is more like Deniz's, I teach young learners twice a week, lessons last for 1 hour, and I always plan each lesson more or less the same, routine is important for young students, especially in the beginning of the lesson, it makes them feel confident, and engaged, if I want to make some new activity, game, I usually plan it for the miidle of the lesson. Logical order of the lesson helps student to stay focused, I usually start by presenting and practising of vocabulary, then we do some speaking practice, listening and grammar.
2. Which qualities do you think are most important in planning a unit of work? Give your reasons. Choose from this list, and add others if necessary:
Of course, all these qualities are important when you are planning a lesson, but I think logic is the most important ( we should understant why we are doing this or that activity? Are they relevant to outcomes, we want to get in the end).
3. When you plan a lesson, do you...
I usually plan two lessons at the time
I start with the aims
I use the coursebook a lot, at least to follow a logic sequence so that they don't get lost.
I don't plan in great detail
I start with the aim and then do a warmer apropriate to the aim (news, quotes...)
4. What advice would you give a new teacher who says, "I spend hours and hours planning a scheme of work: I seem to go round and round, not getting anywhere"?
Be creative! Always ask yourself, what do I want to get at the end? How can I do it? And why this activity is important? Can I Improve it?
1. My planning style is more like Deniz's, I teach young learners twice a week, lessons last for 1 hour, and I always plan each lesson more or less the same, routine is important for young students, especially in the beginning of the lesson, it makes them feel confident, and engaged, if I want to make some new activity, game, I usually plan it for the miidle of the lesson. Logical order of the lesson helps student to stay focused, I usually start by presenting and practising of vocabulary, then we do some speaking practice, listening and grammar.
2. Which qualities do you think are most important in planning a unit of work? Give your reasons. Choose from this list, and add others if necessary:
Of course, all these qualities are important when you are planning a lesson, but I think logic is the most important ( we should understant why we are doing this or that activity? Are they relevant to outcomes, we want to get in the end).
3. When you plan a lesson, do you...
I usually plan two lessons at the time
I start with the aims
I use the coursebook a lot, at least to follow a logic sequence so that they don't get lost.
I don't plan in great detail
I start with the aim and then do a warmer apropriate to the aim (news, quotes...)
4. What advice would you give a new teacher who says, "I spend hours and hours planning a scheme of work: I seem to go round and round, not getting anywhere"?
Be creative! Always ask yourself, what do I want to get at the end? How can I do it? And why this activity is important? Can I Improve it?