I think that whaling should be banned because it is very painful to whales. In addition we have not any good reason to hunt whales because we have enough oil and food without whaling.
IFAW pages is said:
*Whales are often pursued to the point of exhaustion before they are harpooned.
*Exploding harpoons are often not fatal, and some whales are harpooned multiple times before they die.
*Wounded, harpooned whales are dragged to whaling vessels, where they may be speared with more harpoons or shot with high-powered rifles. Whales which are harpooned near the tail and then winched in alive to the bow of the catcher ship eventually die of suffocation as their heads are forced underwater.
*Because whales are able to slow their breathing and heart rate, many that appear dead or unconscious are probably still feeling extreme pain.
So, please, save our animals.
BR Maarit